Mitchell A. Gritts


2013- Nevada Department of Wildlife - Data Analyst & Developer

2012-13 Washington Conservation Corps - Assistant Supervisor

2010-11 University of Nevada, Reno - Undergraduate Research Assistant


2007-12 University of Nevada, Reno - B.Sc. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation


Jahner JP, Matocq MD, Malaney JL, Cox M, Wolff P, Gritts MA, Parchman TL (2019) The genetic legacy of 50 years of desert bighorn sheep translocations. Evolutionary Applications 12:198-213.



2020 Telemetry Data Management in R. (The Wildlife Society, Western Section)

2019 Nevada Commercial Reptile Collections: A Conservation Success Story. (The Wildlife Society, Western Section)

2018 t-LoCoH: Time Local Convex Hulls. (UNR)

Path Segmentation Methods for GPS Collared Ungulates. (28th Annual Pronghorn Workshop)

migratR: a Method to Identify Migration Timing. (The Wildlife Society, Western Section)

2017 telemetR: a Tool for Managing, Visualizing, and Analyzing Animal Movement Data. (The Wildlife Society, Western Section)

2016 Exploratory Analysis and Visualization of Animal Movement. (The Wildlife Society, Nevada Chapter)


2020 Shiny: Interactive Data Analysis in R. (The Wildlife Society, Western Section)

2019 Path Segmentation Methods to Identify Migratory and Partially Migratory Ungulates. (ESRI UC)

2018 Automated Detection of Migration Timing. (ESRI UC)

2017 TelemetR: A Tool for Managing, Visualizing and Analyzing Animal Movement Data. (The Wildlife Society, National)

2016 Designing a Wildlife Encounter and Health Data Management System. (The Wildlife Society, Western Section)

2011 Immunogenetic Interactions Between Host and Parasite. (The Wildlife Society, National Conference)

Major Histocompatibility Complex and Mate Choice. (UNR Undergraduate Research Symposium)

Has Recent Climate Change Caused a Genetic Bottleneck in a Sierra Nevada Population of the Bushy Tailed Woodrat? (Las Vegas, Nevada)


R Bootcamp (2018-2020)



An R package to help manage GPS telemetry data.

GUS Database

A spatially enabled database to store all wildlife related data for the Nevada Department of Wildlife. The database is built with PostgreSQL, with spatial capabilities provided by PostGIS. GUS is an bacronym for Good Useful Schema. Deployed to AWS RDS. Private repo


A GraphQL API built with NodeJS and Apollo Server to serve wildlife data from the GUS database. Currently deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.


A Vue and Leaflet web application for interacting with data stored in the GUS data. Currently deployed with AWS S3 static website hosting.


A Shiny application for visualizing and exploratory data analsysis of animal telemetry data. Data is wharehoused on a server. Analysis include simple homerange estimation and plotting of several movement parameters (net squared displacement, speed, distance) to help biologists understand individual movement strategies. The application is hosted on an Amazon EC2 instance.


Curriculum for the spatial portion of the R Bootcamp hosted by UNR.


2011 Nevada INBRE (undergraduate research)
Nevada EPSCoR (undergraduate research)


2019- Nevada Chapter of the Wildlife Society - Rep to the Western Section

2017-19 Nevada Chapter of the Wildlife Society - Professional Development Chair

Technical skills


Available on request.

Last updated: August 2019