September 15, 2016. 6 - 8pm
NDOW Western Region Offices
1100 Valley Road
Reno, NV 89512
Topic TBD
3) Informal Introduction to Shiny - Mitchell Gritts. 2016-06-09
2) Going Parallel - Matt McAnear. 2016-05-12
1) The “Hadleyverse” - Mitchell Gritts. 2016-04-07
Google Drive folder with meeting resources.
The Reno R Users Group is dedicated to bringing together users to exchange knowledge, inspire new users, and spur the adoption of R for innovative research and commercial applications.
R is an open source programming language for statistical computing, data analysis, and visualization. R has a growing user base and an active development community. R is used in academia, computational biology, applied statistics, and data science. It is even gaining ground in the quantitative finance and business intelligence. All of these communities have contributed to R by developing packages, creating tutorials, and other R user groups. As great as the community is, R does have a steep learning curve and has some interesting quirks.
Future meetings will be announced ASAP. Generally meetings will consist of one or two talks about applications of R, tutorials, and troubleshooting R code.
Email to join an email list for updates. If you would like to give a talk about R let me know (don’t be shy, we want to hear what you have to say).